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Contents : The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics Vol. 10, 2022

The Evangelical Review

of Theology & Politics

Volume 10, 2022

VOL. 10, 2022


Article: 2022-01
Matthew Wong,
A Critical Appraisal of Darryl G. Hart’s
Deconstruction of Evangelicalism

|| Evangelicalism || Evangelical || Neo Evangelicalism ||
|| Post Evangelicalism || Coherence || Ecclesiology || |18th Century ||
|| Protestantism || Modernism || Fundamentalism || Revivalism ||

How one interprets the evangelical movement varies widely. For many, Evangelicalism has come to denote a wacky and sometimes brazen, intellectually inferior strain of Christianity. For others the term ‘evangelical’ is laden with negative connotations suggesting ill-informed fervour and strident belief. However, for self-professing evangelicals, and those sympathetic to the movement, Evangelicalism represents an authentic and pure expression of time-honoured biblical truth, grounded in the Word of God and genuine religious experience.

But what does the term ‘evangelical’ mean? How many people would be comfortable defining the movement or even tracking its development through the ages? According to Hart and other sceptics of Evangelicalism, difficulty defining the movement’s core beliefs and precise nature is unsurprising, for it is essentially a theological mirage, an amorphous and ill-conceived relic of historic orthodox Protestantism. This paper will examine attempts to deconstruct the evangelical project and assess whether the movement should be abandoned due to theological shallowness or cherished as a vibrant and adaptive vehicle for conveying and giving expression to timeless Christian dogma. It is argued that the answer is more complex than initially meets the eye and lies somewhere in between these two positions.

Uploaded//Published : March 6, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022, pages, A1-22

Article: 2022-02
David C. Lewis,
What is God Saying Through “Natural Disasters”?

|| Earthquake || Natural Disasters || Amos ||
|| Armenia || Tsunami || Prophecy || Job ||

Many Christians struggle with the question of why God allows ‘natural disasters’ such as earthquakes. This paper presents a perspective on this question with particular reference to the Armenian earthquake of 1988, noting how there were parallels between the situation in Armenia and that of Israel at the time of the prophet Amos. In both cases, the earthquake might be interpreted not only as a judgement from God but also as a means by which some people are brought to recognise their need of God. Christian researchers are encouraged to seek God in discerning insights into why disasters occur at specific times or places, and the spiritual impact that they have on local residents.

Uploaded/Published : March 6, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022, pages, A23-36

Article: 2022-03
Sherene Khouri,
The Concept of Miracles in Islam:
A Case for the Resurrection of Jesus?

|| Miracles || Islam || Mohammad’s Miracles ||
|| Minimal Fact Theory || Resurrection ||

The concept of miracles in Islam is not being given much attention in Western scholarship. While much literature has been written in the Arabic world about Mohammad’s miracles in the Qur’an, not many are known in the Western world. Therefore, this paper shall use the analytical method to examine the definition and the purpose of miracles in Islam, and critically compare the miracles performed by Jesus and Mohammad in the Qur’an. Moreover, the resurrection miracle is not a foreign concept in Islamic belief (Surah 2:73). The Qur’an itself attests to Jesus miraculously restoring dead people to life, which aligns with the New Testament account. Therefore, following the exegesis of the early Islamic/Sunni scholars of Surah 3:55, this paper will show that the resurrection of Jesus is plausible within the Muslim worldview.

Uploaded/Published : October 15, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022, pages, A37-48

Article: 2022-04
Thorsten Prill,
Missionary Affluence:A Question of Privilege and Sacrifice

|| Cross-cultural Mission || Missionary Lifestyles || Poverty ||
|| Power || Privileges || Wealth ||

Twenty-first century Christianity is a religion with an economically poor majority in the Global South and a wealthy minority in the Global North. Missionaries who leave the latter to serve in Africa, Latin America and the developing countries of Asia are confronted with an affluence gap that has the potential to damage their cross-cultural ministries. Thus, missionary affluence can separate Western workers from the local communities in their host countries and subvert the Gospel message they have come to share. Culturally sensitive, simple lifestyles and new models of partnership with indigenous Christians can help Western missionaries to overcome the pitfalls presented by significant differences in access to personal and institutional wealth, education and knowledge. It is crucial, however, that they learn from the biblical missionary role models par excellence, Jesus and his apostles, who relinquished privileges and rights and made extraordinary sacrifices for the sake of their missions.

Uploaded/Published : October 26, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022, pages, A49-62


Review Article
From Marginal to Central:
Carl Trueman’s Analysis of Self and Society

Carl Trueman,
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.
Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2020.
pp. 432. ISBN 978-1-4335-5633-3.

Carl Trueman,
Strange New World: How
Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the
Sexual Revolution
Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2022.
pp. 208. ISBN 978-1-4335-7930-1.

||  Culture ||  Worldview ||  Philosophy ||  Post-Christian ||  Individualism ||  Sexuality  ||

Reviewed by William B. Bowes

Uploaded/Published : July 30, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2020, pages, RA1-8.

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The Evangelical Review

Copyright 2013 © King's Divinity Press © King's Evangelical Divinity School and © Ash Design

The Evangelical Review, Vol.1, (2013)

The Evangelical Review, Vol.2, (2014)

TER Vol. 2, (2014) ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 3, (2015)

TER Vol. 3, (2015) ‘Christianity & Culture’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 4, (2016)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 5, (2017)

TER Vol. 5, (2017) ‘Purge the Old Leaven’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 6, (2018)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 7, (2019)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 8, (2020)

TER Vol. 8, (2020) ‘Homosexuality:
The Case For & Against’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 9, (2021)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 10, (2022)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 11, (2023)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 12, (2024)


Review: 2021-01
George A. Yancey and Ashlee Quosigk.
One Faith No Longer: The Transformation of Christianity in Red and Blue America
New York, NY: New York University Press, 2021.

Reviewed by Luca Azuma

Uploaded/Published : March 8, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR1-4

Review: 2021-02
Michael Graves.
How Scripture Interprets Scripture:
What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us About Reading the Bible
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2022

Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel

Uploaded/Published : April 18, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR5-6

Review: 2021-03
Kenneth Nehrbass.
Advanced Missiology:
How to Study Missions in Credible and Useful Ways
Cascade Books, an Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Eugen OR: 2021

Reviewed by Martin Rodriguez

Uploaded/Published : July 12, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR7-10

Review: 2021-04
Charles Marsh.
Evangelical Anxiety
New York, NY: HarperOne, 2022

Reviewed by Noah R. Karger

Uploaded/Published : July 15, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR11-14

Review: 2021-05
Matthew V. Novenson (ed.),.
Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity.
New York, NY: HarperOne, 2022

Reviewed by M.L. Volpp

Uploaded/Published : October 14, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR15-18

Review: 2021-06
Nartin Mosebach (ed.),.
The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs.
Walden NY: Plough Publishing House, 2020

Reviewed by M.L. Volpp

Uploaded/Published : October 17, 2022 | ERTP Vol 10, 2022.
pages, BR19-22


The Evangelical Review ~ Vol. 10, 2022

Contents ~ Pagination


Matthew Wong


David C. Lewis


Sherene Khouri


Thorsten Prill


Review Articles

Review of Trueman


Book Reviews

Review of Yancey & Quosigk


Review of Graves


Review of Nehrbass


Review of Marsh


Review of Novenson


Review of Mosebach
