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The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics

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The Evangelical Review

Copyright 2013 © King's Divinity Press © King's Evangelical Divinity School and © Ash Design

The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics is a new journal – successor to The Evangelical Review of Society and Politics.

The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics is an open access, peer-reviewed online-only, journal. All articles and reviews are published online as PDF files, and are downloadable: see tab on menu bar: “Full Journal”.



September 5, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Charles L. Quarles and L. Scott Kellum. 40 Questions About the Text and Canon of the New Testament
Reviewed by Clark R. Bates.

August 8, 2024. Review Article: An Evaluation of the Recent Bible Translations by Goldingay (2018) and McKnight (2023). Review of John Goldingay, The First Testament: A New Translation, & Scot McKnight, The Second Testament: A New Translation.
Reviewed by William B. Bowes.

July 18, 2024. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-06: Thorsten Prill, ‘Good News For Africa? The Challenge of Other Gospels to the Church’s Mission in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa.’

July 11, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Mark Edwards, The Problem of Evil in the Ancient World: Homer to Dionysius the Areopagite.
Reviewed by Joshua Jo Wah Yen.

July 9, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Nicholas A. Elder, Gospel Media: Reading, Writing, and Circulating Jesus Traditions.
Reviewed by Timothy N. Mitchell.

May 21, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Matthew J. Lynch, Flood and Fury:
Old Testament Violence and the Shalom
of God
Reviewed by Stephen M Vantassel.

May 8, 2024. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-05: Joshua J.W. Yen‘Fyodor DostoevskyThe Genesis of Genius’

Single volume PDF file of Vol 11 (2023)

March 15, 2024. Uploaded/published, now available, single volume of all of the articles, essays, reviews published in 2023.

February 29, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Matthew Anslow, Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets:The Prophetic Vocation of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Reviewed by Rubin James Yi McClain.

February 2, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Tremper Longman III, The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel.
Reviewed by Dan Martin.

January 28, 2024. Book Review uploaded of Christopher Watkin, Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Storyline Makes Senseof Modern Life and Culture.
Reviewed by Walter Lamberti.

January 25, 2024. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-04: Daniel Kirkpatrick, ‘Seminaries Headed for a Cliff: A Problem & Proposal for Christian Seminaries’

January 25, 2024. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-03: Zach Doppelt,‘A Re-evaluation of Anglo-Irish Premillennialism 1789-1914: Part 1’

January 25, 2024. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-02: Zach Doppelt,‘A Re-evaluation of Anglo-Irish Premillennialism 1789-1914: Part 2’

January 1, 2023. Article uploaded:
Article: 2024-01: Matthew Wong,‘An Evaluative Review of the Major Theological and Exegetical Problems Inherent in Supersessionism.’


December 3, 2023: Advent Sunday - Start of New Church Year.

December 2, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Greg Goswell, Text and Paratext: Book Order, Title, and Division as Keys to Biblical Interpretation.
Reviewed by Mina Monier.

November 26, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Patrick Deneen, Regime Change: Toward a Post-Liberal Future.
Reviewed by Brendon Michael Norton.

July 30, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Brian J. Tabb, Andrew M. King (eds.). Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament: Genre, Authorial Intent, and the Nature of Scripture.
Reviewed by Caleb Massey.

July 30, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Robyn Whitaker, Even the Devil Quotes Scripture.
Reviewed by Jason Hensley.

May 23, 2023. Article uploaded:
Article: 2023-04: John P. Lesko,‘A Refugee and Immigrant Literature Survey: Lived Experiences of the Global Refugee Crisis.’

May15, 2023. Short Biography of Stanley Hauerwas, in section Theological Reflections, uploaded
Written by T.L. Hulsey

May15, 2023. New Section to the website: Theological Reflections. These will be Short Biographies – usually on mature or deceased theologians and Bible scholars, or an analysis of a Key Works (for example Karl Barth’s first commentary on Romans (1919) which set in motion something of a revolution in orthodoxy) or other categories. Therefore: a call for papers, 3-4,000 words in length; write to Anthony Royle initially with your idea.

May6, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston (eds.). Reading Hebrews in Context: The Sermon and Second Temple Judaism.
Reviewed by Jonathan Rowlands.

Single volume PDF file of Vol 10 (2022)

April 5, 2023. Uploaded/published, now available, single volume of all of the articles, essays, reviews published in 2022.

March 26, 2023. Book Review uploaded of R.B. Jamieson and Tyler Wittman, Biblical Reasoning: Christological and Trinitarian Rules for Exegesis.
Reviewed by Aaron Kelley.

March 26, 2023. Book Review uploaded of James M. Hamilton, Typology: Understanding God’s Promise-Shaped Patterns: How Old Testament Expectations are Fulfilled in Christ.
Reviewed by Aaron Kelley.

March 26, 2023. Book Review uploaded of Linzey, A., & Linzey, C., An Ethical Critique of Fur Factory Farming.
Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

March 26, 2023. Article uploaded:
Article: 2023-03: “Ben Somervell, Anti-theism and Eschatology: Countering Nietzsche’s Claim that Christianity is too ‘other-worldly’.”

January 29, 2023. Article uploaded:
Article: 2023-02: Oladosu, Samson Bisi, “An Expository Analysis of the Bread of Life Metaphor in John 6:35 and its Implication for Stomach Infrastructural Taxonomy in Nigeria.”

January 29, 2023. Article uploaded:
Article: 2023-01. Stephen M. Vantassel, “The Problem of Scholastic Monoculture (An Open Letter to the Academy).”


October 26, 2022. Article uploaded:
Thorsten Prill, ‘Missionary Affluence:
A Question of Privilege and Sacrifice.’

October 17, 2022. Book Review uploaded of Martin Mosebach, The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs.
Reviewed by Israel A. Kolade.

October 15, 2022. Article uploaded:
Sherene Khouri, ‘The Concept of Miracles in Islam: A Case for the Resurrection of Jesus.’

October 14, 2022. Book Review uploaded of Matthew V. Novenson (ed.), Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity.
Reviewed by M.L. Volpp.

July 29, 2022. Review Article: From Marginal to Central: Carl Trueman’s Analysis of Self and Society. Review of Carl Trueman’s, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, and, Strange New World.
Reviewed by William B. Bowes.

July 15, 2022. Book Review uploaded of Charles Marsh, Evangelical Anxiety.
Reviewed by Noah R. Karger.

July 12, 2022. Book Review uploaded of Kenneth Nehrbass, Advanced Missiology: How to Study Missions in Credible and Useful Ways.
Reviewed by Martin Rodriguez.

April 18, 2022. Book Review uploaded of Michael Graves, How Scripture Interprets Scripture:What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us About Reading the Bible.
Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

Single volume PDF file of Vol 9 (2021)

March 29, 2022. Uploaded/published, now available, single volume of all of the articles, essays, reviews published in 2021.

March 8, 2022. Book Review uploaded of George A. Yancey and Ashlee Quosigk, One Faith No Longer: The Transformation of Christianity in Red and Blue America.
Reviewed by Luca Azuma.

March 6, 2022. Article uploaded:
David C. Lewis, ‘What is God Saying Through “Natural Disasters”?.’

March 6, 2022. Article uploaded:
Matthew Wong, ‘A Critical Appraisal of Darryl G. Hart’s Deconstruction of Evangelicalism.’


October 29, 2021. Book Review uploaded of David Jenkins, The Word Explored: The Problem of Biblical Illiteracy & What to Do about It.
Reviewed by Charles Schmitz.

September 15, 2021. Book Review uploaded of W. Ross Hastings, Theological Ethics: The Moral Life of the Gospel in Contemporary Context.
Reviewed by Forrest H. Buckner.

August 10, 2021. Article uploaded:
Daniel Kirkpatrick, ‘Toward a Constructed Theology of Personality: Human Personality Explored in Light of Redemption History.’

August 6, 2021, Book Review uploaded of Geoffrey H. Fulkerson & Joel Thomas Chopp (Editors), Science and the Doctrine of Creation:The Approaches of Ten Modern Theologians.
Reviewed by Matt Wong.

July 17, 2021. Essay Series uploaded/published: “Homosexuality: The Case For & Against” II, Revisited. Here each author is given the chance to refute the other ... .

June 28, 2021. Article uploaded:
Bolaji Fapohunda, ‘The Role of Personal Integrity in Soulwinning: A Systematic Review of the Theological Literature.’

Single volume PDF file of Vol 8 (2020)

Uploaded/published, now available, single volume of all of the articles, essays, review articles and reviews published in 2020.

February 20, 2021. Book Review uploaded of Brad D. Strawn and Warren S. Brown. Enhancing Christian Life: How Extended Cognition Augments Religious Community.
Reviewed by Viktor J. Tóth.

January 20, 2021. Book Review uploaded of Scot McKnight and B. J. Oropeza, eds. Perspectives on Paul: Five Views.
Reviewed by Cathryn Carmichael.

January 9, 2021. Article uploaded:
Dan Martin, ‘Let the Simple Learn Wisdom: Difficulties in Constructing a Biblical Theology of the Proverbs.’

January 1, 2021. Book Review uploaded of James B. Jordan. Christendom and the Nations. Reviewed by Jonathan Ashbach.

January 1, 2021. Article uploaded:
Dennis Greeson, ‘Theosis in the Thought of Herman Bavinck?: Thomas F. Torrance’s Reconstruction of the Doctrine and its Promise for Bavinck’s Theology.’

January 1, 2021. Book Review uploaded of Richard Bauckham. Who Is God? Key Moments of Biblical Revelation.
Reviewed by Cathryn Carmichael.

January 1, 2021. Book Review uploaded of Thomas Kidd, Who is an Evangelical?: The History of a Movement in Crisis.
Reviewed by Geoffrey Butler.

January 1, 2021. Book Review uploaded of Forster, G., & Cross, A. R. (eds). Human flourishing: Economic wisdom for a fruitful Christian vision of the good life. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.


October 26, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Clayton King, Reborn: How Encountering Jesus Changes Everything. Reviewed by Matthew Wong.

September 21, 2020. Article uploaded:
Eugen Spierer, ‘The Dialectic between Creation and Crucifixion.’

September 16, 2020. Article uploaded:
Jacob S. Bullock, ‘
ν Χριστῷ Out of Context: The Zen-ification of the Son of God’

September 13, 2020. Article uploaded:
Geoffrey Butler, ‘Social Service and the Imago Dei: a Contemporary Analysis and Application of an Ancient Christian Doctrine.’

September 1, 2020. Article uploaded:
Robert Schwarzwalder, ‘C.S. Lewis as Christian Political Philosopher: The Politics of Skepticism and Liberty.’

August 17, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Gavin R. Ortlund, Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation: Ancient Wisdom for Current Controversy. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

August 14, 2020. Book Review uploaded of John S. Kloppenborg, Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City. Reviewed by Brendon Michael Norton.

August 13 ‘From Postmodern to Post-Christian: Gene Veith’s Cultural-Ideological Analysis’
Review Article uploaded of Gene Edward Veith Jr., Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture, and, Gene Edward Veith Jr., Post-Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture. Reviewed by William B. Bowes.

July 12, 2020. Article uploaded:
Sherene Nicholas Khouri, ‘The Classical Islamic Model of Revelation: A Critique.’

July 8, 2020. Book Review uploaded of William Cully Allen, Jesus Among Giants: Religious Biographies in Comparative Context. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

July 1, 2020. Essay Series uploaded/published: “Homosexuality: The Case For & Against”. Two essays plus Introduction. For full details, contents, abstracts, CLICK HERE.

June 29 ‘Jeremiah: An Ancient Voice with a Relevant Message’
Review Article uploaded of Larry R. Helyer The Life and Witness of Jeremiah. A Prophet for Today. Reviewed by Esteban Miranda.

June 27, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Darrell L. Bock, Ephesians (Tyndale New Testament Commentary). Reviewed by Anthony Royle.

June 9, 2020. Book Review uploaded of John S. Dickerson, Jesus Skeptic: A Journalist Explores the Credibility and Impact of Christianity. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Marple.

June 1, 2020. Article uploaded:
P.H. Brazier, ‘Saul, Epilepsy, & conversion.’

May 28, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Revolution of Values: Reclaiming Public Faith for the Common Good. Reviewed by, Rev. Timothy R. Scheuers.

May 11, 2020. Article uploaded:
Matthew Wong, ‘A Survey of Evangelical Hermeneutical Approaches to Conservation.’

May 3, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Elise Daniels (ed.), Called to Freedom
Why You Can Be Christian and Libertarian
. Reviewed by Jonathan Ashbach.

March 27, 2020. New section on books available for review: Books for Reviewers

March 8, 2020. Article uploaded: Jae Yang ‘Pannenberg’s Trinitarian Theology and the Use of Theological Sources.’

January 26, 2020
Single volume PDF file of Vol 7 (2019)

Uploaded/published, now available, single volume of all of the articles, reviews and review articles published in 2019.

January 23rd, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Giles J. Harp, Protestants and American Conservativism: A Short History. Reviewed by Brendon Michael Norton.

January 16th, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Luke Jeffrey Janssen, Soul-Searching: The Evolution of Judeo-Christian Thinking on the Soul and the Afterlife. Reviewed by Viktor Toth.

January 14th, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Scot McKnight. Pastor Paul: Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church. Reviewed by Aaron Perry.

January 1st, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Bill Seney. The Blind Faith Hypothesis: Intellectual Challenge to Naturalism, Theism, Pantheism, Polytheism, and Post-Modernism. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Marple.

January 1st, 2020. Book Review uploaded of William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste. Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? Wrestling with Troubling War Texts. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

January 1st, 2020. Book Review uploaded of Craig A. Carter, Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis. Reviewed by Emily Buck.


October 8th, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Thomas R. Schreiner, Spiritual Gifts: What they are & why they matter. Reviewed by Mark Anderson.

September 26, 2019. Article uploaded: Robb Torseth, ‘‘Bereft of the Soul’: Biblical and Augustinian Views of Death as they pertain to Measuring the Existential Threat of Transhumanist Anthropological Destiny’.

September 6, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Matthew Levering, Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Love and Gift in the Trinity and the Church. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel. [ N.B. This review is in Vol. 6, 2018 contents & journal as it replaces a previous review. ]

August 12, 2019. Book Review uploaded of J.P. Moreland, Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Marple.

July 17, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Keith D. Stanglin, The Letter and Spirit of Biblical Interpretation: From the Early Church to Modern Practice. Reviewed by Emily Buck.

June 26, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Robert Louis Wilken, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom. Reviewed by Brendon Michael Norton.

June 20, 2019. Article uploaded: Jongseock Shin, ‘The Church as a Messianic Fellowship in Jürgen Moltmann’s and Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Public Ecclesiology: Constructing a Holistic and Participatory Pneumatology and Ecclesiology’.

June 20, 2019. Article uploaded:
P.H. Brazier, ‘“The Tree lies where it Falls:” A Simpsons’ Eschatology — Towards a Lewisian Understanding of Eternal Life and Human Rebellion’

June 20, 2019. Book Review uploaded of William Willimon, Who Lynched Willie Earle?:Preaching to Confront Racism. Reviewed by Daniel L. Stevenson, Jr.

June 20, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Ian Christopher Levy, Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation: The Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis. Reviewed by Emily Buck

June 20, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Love L Sechrest, Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, Amos Yong (eds), Can White People Be Saved? Triangulating Race, Theology, and Mission (Missiological Engagements). Reviewed by Dr. Craig Hendrickson.

May 6, 2019. Article uploaded:
David Muthukumar S., ‘History as Revelation and Divine Discourse in History: A Postfoundationalist Anchoring of Scriptural Authority.’

March 21, 2019. Book Review uploaded of P. Travis Kroeker, Messianic Political Theology and Diaspora Ethics: Essays in Exile. Reviewed by Aaron Perry.

March 2, 2019. Book Review uploaded of William C. Mattison III., The Sermon on the Mount and Moral Theology: A Virtue Perspective. Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

January 17, 2019
Single volume PDF file of Vol 6 (2018)

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers

January 1, 2019. The Evangelical Review is now open access: all material available to the church and academic communities.

January 1, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Barna Group, Barna Trends 2018: What’s New and What’s Next at the Intersection of Faith and Culture. Reviewed by Joyce del Rosario.

January 1, 2019. Book Review uploaded of David Elliot, Hope and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics). Reviewed by Agnes Chiu.

January 1, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Tommy Givens,We the People: Israel and the Catholicity of Jesus. Reviewed by Esteban Miranda.

January 1, 2019. Book Review uploaded of Karl Barth, A Unique Time of God: Karl Barth’s WWI Sermons. Reviewed by Daniel L. Stevenson, Jr.

January 1, 2019. ‘“Multidimensional Monism:” Veli-Matti Kärkäinen’s Proposal for a New Theological Anthropology. Review Article uploaded of Veli-Matti Kärkäinen, Christ and Reconciliation: A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World (Vol. 1, Christ and Reconciliation; Vol. 2, Trinity and Revelation; Vol. 3, Creation and Humanity; Vol. 4, Spirit and Salvation; Vol. 5, Hope and Community).’ Reviewed by Viktor J. Tóth.


October 20, 2018. ‘Muslims and Non-Muslims: Not all Differences are Fabricated, or Arbitrary.’ Review Article uploaded of Steven W. Ramey (editor), Fabricating Difference; Rumy Hasan, Religion and Development in the Global South; John Safran, Depends What You Mean by Extremist: Going Rogue with Australian Deplorables; William E. Arnal, Willi Braun, Russell T. McCutcheon (editors), Failure and Nerve in the Academic Study of Religion: Essays in Honor of Donald Wiebe.
Analysed by Raphael Lataster.

October 20, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Kay Higuera Smith, Jayachitra Lalitha, and L. Daniel Hawk (editors). Evangelical Postcolonial Conversations: Global Awakenings in Theology and Praxis; Reviewed by Christopher The.

September 19, 2018. Book Review uploaded of R. Keith Loftin and Joshua R. Farris, (editors). Christian Physicalism?: Philosophical Theological Criticisms; Reviewed by Viktor Toth.

September 11, 2018. Article uploaded:
David Muthukumar S., ‘“Joy to the World”: Understanding the Event of “God Becoming Human” through a Gadamerian Hermeneutic.’

August 21, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Lisa E. Dahill and James B. Martin-Schramm (editors), Eco-Reformation: Grace and Hope for a Planet in Peril; Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

July 29, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Christopher Lilley and Daniel Pedersen (editors), Human Origins and the Image of God: Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel van Huyssteen; Reviewed by David Muthukumar S.

June 18, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Erwin W. Lutzer, Hitler’s Cross: How the Cross Was Used to Promote the Nazi Agenda; Reviewed by Judith C.P. Lin.

June 16, 2018. Article uploaded:
Stephen M. Vantassel, ‘A Pastoral-Theological Assessment of the Conflict Between Atheistic Evolution, Creationism, and Scripture’

April 29, 2018. Article uploaded:
David Thang Moe, ‘Toward a Perichoretic Trinitarian Theology of Religions: A Response to Amos Yong, Harold Netland and Gerald McDermott’

April 28, 2018. Book Review uploaded of James K. A. Smith, Awaiting the King: Reforming Public Theology (Cultural Liturgies Volume 3); Reviewed by Joshua Beckett.

April 28, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Douglas J. Moo, and Jonathan A. Moo, Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World. Biblical Theology for Life; Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

March 24, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Gerald A. Klingbeil, ed., The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament; Reviewed by Viktor Toth.

March 21, 2018. Article uploaded:
Zach Doppelt, ‘Kingdom of Grace and Kingdom of Glory: A Reassessment of Historic Views of Christ’s Kingdom’

February 10, 2018. Article uploaded:
Sochanngam Shirik, ‘The Battle for Inerrancy: How the Doctrine of Inerrancy is Affecting Christian Relationships and Missions’

January 25, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Augustín Fuenates and Aku Visala, ed., Verbs, Bones, and Brains: Interdisci-plinary Perspectives on Human Nature; Reviewed by Viktor Toth.

January 24, 2018
Single volume PDF file of Vol 5 (2017)

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers

January 2, 2018. ‘Christ, Israel … and a Palestinian Cry: A Review Essay’
Review Article uploaded of Katanacho, Yohanna, The Land of Christ: A Palestinian Cry. Analysed by Richard Flashman.

January 1, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Nick Megoran, Warlike Christians in an Age of Violence: The Evangelical Case Against War and for the Gospel of Peace; Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

January 1, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Mark J. Boda, The Heartbeat of Old Testament Theology: Three Creedal Expressions; Reviewed by Corey Wilson.

January 1, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Jeremy L. Sabella, An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story; Reviewed by Daniel Salyers.

January 1, 2018. Article uploaded:
Richard Tanksley and Marlin Schaich, ‘Marxist Parallels With The Seven Mountain Mandate’

January 1, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Gerald R. McDermott (editor),The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel and the Land; Reviewed by Mitch Glaser.

January 1, 2018. Book Review uploaded of Joshua Jipp, Saved by Faith and Hospitality; Reviewed by Anthony Royle.


November 17, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Robert P. Menzies, Speaking in Tongues: Jesus and the Apostolic Church as Models for the Church Today; Reviewed by Mark Anderson.

October 26, 2017. Book Review uploaded of William S. Morrow, An Introduction to Biblical Law; Reviewed by Jason A. Riley.

October 26, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Matthew Levering, Engaging the Doctrine of Creation: Cosmos, Creatures, and the Wise and Good Creator; Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

October 20, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Donald Wallenfang, Human and Divine Being: A Study on the Theological Anthropology of Edith Stein; Reviewed by David Muthukumar S.

October 2, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Matthew J. Tuininga, Calvin’s Political Theology and the Public Engagement of the Church: Christ’s Two Kingdoms (Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity); review by Timothy R. Scheuers.

September 11, 2017. Article uploaded:
Clive Beed and Cara Beed, ‘Conceptions of Capitalism in Biblical Theology’

September 10, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Olli-Pekka Vainio, Disagreeing Virtuously: Religious Conflict in Interdisciplinary Perspective; review by Judith C. P. Lin.

September 8, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Stephanie N. Arel, and Shelly Rambo, eds, Post-Traumatic Public Theology; review by Matthew F. Jones.

August 21, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Mark R. Amstutz, Just Immigration: American Policy in Christian Perspective; review by Esteban G. Miranda.

August 11, 2017. Article uploaded:
Andrew J. Spencer, ‘Dorothy L. Sayers as a Cautious Transformationalist’

August 1, 2017. Article uploaded:
P.H. Brazier, ‘Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: Bible, Pneumatology and the Supernatural, Spiritism and Epilepsy – Evil and the Body Politic’

July 24, 2017
Single volume PDF file of Essay Series, “Purge the Old Leaven: Aspects of Church Discipline in the Bible, Theology, and Culture,” (Vol 5, 2017)

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers

July 23rd, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Justo L. González, A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation; review by Jennifer L. Ackerman.

July 22, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Elicka Peterson Sparks, The Devil You Know: The Surprising Link between Conservative Christianity and Crime; review by Stephen M. Vantassel.

July 16, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Lisa E. Dahill and James B. Martin-Schramm, eds., Eco-Reformation: Grace and Hope for a Planet in Peril; review by Joshua Beckett.

June 26, 2017. Book Review uploaded of John Corvino, Ryan T. Anderson, and Sherif Girgis. Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination; review by Daniel Brockway.

June 24, 2017. Essay Series uploaded/published: “Purge the Old Leaven:” Aspects of Church Discipline in the Bible, Theology, and Culture. Six essays plus editorial. For full details, contents, abstracts, CLICK HERE.

May 29, 2017. Book Reviews now fully available on open access. Note the new tab on the menu bar, above, on the masthead: “Reviews.” For further details on open access for all book reviews, CLICK HERE.

May 29, 2017. Book Review uploaded of Nick Spencer, The Mighty and the Almighty: How Political Leaders Do God; review by Anthony A.J. Williams.

May 17, 2017. ‘Race and the Political in 21st Century Evangelical America: A Review Essay’
Review Article uploaded of Christopher M. Driscoll, White Lies: Race and Uncertainty in the Twilight of American Religion; Andrew T. Draper, A Theology of Race and Place: Liberation and Reconciliation in the Works of Jennings and Carter; Brian Bantum, The Death of Race: Building a New Christianity in a Racial World; Josef Sorett, Spirit in the Dark: A Religious History of Racial Aesthetics; Ashon T. Crawley, Blackpentecostal Breath: The Aesthetics of Possibility. Analysed by Amos Yong.

January 4, 2017
Single volume PDF file of Vol 4 (2016)

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers


November 24, 2016. Article uploaded: Elvira King, ‘Politics and Religion in the European Union: Christian Zionist Advocacy in Brussels’

November 15, 2016. Book Review uploaded of Robert H. Stein, Jesus, The Temple, and the Coming Son of Man:A Commentary on Mark 13; review by Anthony Royle.

October 19, 2016. ERTP Forum uploaded The Church, Evangelism, and the Political in Countries of the Western Pacific Rim, P.H. Brazier, Timothy T.N. Lim, Yuxiao Su, Amos Yong, Henry Kuo, and Pascal Bazzell.

October 8, 2016. Book Review uploaded of James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit; review by Ashley Staggs-Kay.

August 5, 2016. Book Review uploaded of Timothy Sherratt, Power made Perfect; review by Stephen M. Vantassel.

June 15, 2016. ‘C.S. Lewis and John Calvin: Heaven and Hell, Choice and Damnation, Freedom and Responsibility’
Review Article uploaded of Darren Oldridge, The Devil: A Very Short Introduction; Joel Buenting (ed.), The Problem of Hell: A Philosophical Anthology; Jordan C. Ferrier, Calvin and C.S. Lewis: Solving the Riddle of the Reformation.

May 24, 2016. Article uploaded: David Graham, ‘What Modernity gets Wrong and the Classical Tradition got Right: A Critique of Bruce L. McCormack’s Theology’

May 21, 2016
Single volume PDF file of conference papers, Christianity & Culture: Evangelical Theology in post-Christian Britain.

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers

May 20, 2016. Conference papers uploaded: Christianity & Culture: Evangelical Theology in post-Christian Britain. Full details: Contents.

March 11, 2016. Article uploaded: Kyle R. Greenwood, ‘“The Dissent of Man: Evangelicals and Evolution Nine Decades After Scopes”’

February 16, 2016 Book Review uploaded of John M.G. Barclay, Paul and the Gift; review by Walter Lamberti.

January 20, 2016. ‘Revelation and the Political in the 21st Century: A Review Essay’
Review Article uploaded of J. Nelson Kraybill, Apocalypse & Allegiance: Worship, Politics & Devotion in the Book of Revelation; Michael J. Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship & Witness Following the Lamb into the New Creation; Ryan Leif Hansen, Silence and Praise: Rhetorical Cosmology and Political Theology in the Book of Revelation; Stephen D. Moore, Untold Tales from the Book of Revelation: Sex and Gender, Empire and Ecology; Lynne St. Clair Darden, Scripturalizing Revelation: An African American Postcolonial Reading of Empire.

January 3, 2016
Single volume PDF file of Vol 3 (2015)

Uploaded/published, now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers


December 15, 2015. Book Review uploaded of Jacob Fronczak, Israel Matters: Putting the Jewish People Back at the Centre of God’s Plan; review by Brian Brewer

December 8, 2015. Article uploaded: Daniel Martin, ‘Mark’s Use of Isaiah’

October 21, 2015. Article uploaded: Salvador Ung Hayworth, ‘Jesus’s Relationship to Israel as Evidenced in the Matthean Infancy Narratives’

September 21, 2015. ‘Karl Barth: Supersessionism and Israel, Yeshua and God’s Election – a Dialectical Balance?’
Review Article uploaded of Sonderegger, That Jesus was Born a Jew; Soulen, ‘Consummation at the End of Christendom’, in The God of Israel and Christian Theology; Lindsay, Barth, Israel and Jesus; Lindsay, Reading Auschwitz with Barth; Gignilliat, Karl Barth and the Fifth Gospel; Moseley, Nations and Nationalism in the Theology of Karl Barth.

September 14, 2015 Book Review uploaded of Alexander Chow, Theosis, Sino-Christian Theology and the Second Chinese Enlightenment: Heaven and Humanity in Unity; review by Edwin Tay.

September 14, 2015 Book Review uploaded of Mark Lewis Taylor, The Theological and the Political: On the Weight of the World; review by Henry Kuo.

July 21, 2015. Article uploaded:
Joseph Koech, ‘Interpreting the New Testament in the East African Context’.

July 15, 2015. Book Review uploaded of Johnson T.K. Lim, Holy Spirit: Unfinished Agenda; review by Timothy T.N. Lim,

July 11, 2015

Single volume PDF file of Vol 1 (2013)

Single volume PDF file of Vol 2 (2014)

Single volume PDF file of Vol 2 Thy Kingdom Come Conference papers (2014)

now available, optimised for Kindle/e-Book readers

June 9, 2015. Book Review uploaded of Russell D. Moore, The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective; review by Gregory Hagg.

June 8, 2015. Book Review uploaded of Stephen Spector. Evangelicals and Israel: The Story of American Christian Zionism (2009); review, by Richard Flashman.

June 8, 2015. Book Review uploaded of Darrell L. Bock, and Mitch Glaser, The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel: Israel and the Jewish People in the Plan of God; review, by Slava Ilchishin.

June 7, 2015. Review uploaded of papers presented at the Borough Park Symposium 4 (2014); review, by Robert Walter.

April 18, 2015. Article uploaded:
Daniel Kayley, ‘The Case for Post-Tribulationism’.

February 4, 2015. Review Article uploaded of J.T. Searle, The Scarlet Woman and the Red Hand: Evangelical Apocalyptic Belief in the Northern Irish Troubles.

January 19, 2015. Article uploaded:
Shannon Holzer, ‘The Principle of Civil Strife and the Exclusion of Religious Reasoning from the Public Square.’

January 9, 2015. Review Article uploaded of Lincoln Harvey (ed.), The Theology of Colin Gunton; and, David A. Höhne, Spirit and Sonship. Colin Gunton's Theology of Particularity and the Holy Spirit; and Bradley G. Green, Colin Gunton and the Failure of Augustine: The Theology of Colin Gunton in the Light of Augustine.


December 31, 2014. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Conference Papers, uploaded/published. Full details Contents.

November 22, 2014. Book Review uploaded of John Day, Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel: Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar; review by Blake I. Campbell.

November 16, 2014. Book Review uploaded of Calvin L. Smith, The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supersessionism; review by Daniel Kayley.

August 26, 2014. Review Article uploaded of P.H. Brazier, C.S. Lewis: Revelation & The Christ, by James A. Motter.

August 15, 2014. Article uploaded
Sylvie Avakian, ‘Open Theism and Beyond. A Challenge to Evangelicalism.’

July 15, 2014. Article uploaded
John J. Johnson, ‘A Critique of American Evangelicals’ Abstinence Position on Alcohol, from Pre-Prohibition to Today.’

June 25, 2014. Book Review uploaded of George Yancey Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education; review by Kathryn Sargent.

June 18, 2014. Book Review uploaded of David S. Lovi and Benjamin Westerhoff (Eds.) The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans; review by Edwin Tay.

June 18, 2014. Review Article uploaded of Angela M. Sabates, Social Psychology in Christian Perspective. Exploring the Human Condition and Christena Cleveland, Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces That Keep Us Apart.

May 8, 2014. Book Review uploaded of Samantha Zacher. Rewriting the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon Verse: Becoming the Chosen People; review by Blake Campbell

April 8, 2014. Book Review uploaded of Elaine Padilla and Peter C. Phan, eds. Contemporary Issues of Migration and Theology; review by Laura E. Alexander.

February 26, 2014. Book Review uploaded of R.W.L. Moberly, Old Testament Theology: Reading the Hebrew Bible as Christian Scripture; review by Stephen M. Vantassel

February 26, 2014. Book Review uploaded of Marijke Hoek and Justin Thacker (ed.) Micah’s Challenge: The Church's Responsibility to the Global Poor; review by Judi J. Rogers.

February 26, 2014. Review Article uploaded of William Kilpatrick. Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, and, Paul C. Vitz. Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism.


December 19, 2013. Article uploaded
David Cowan, ‘Capitalism and Its Discontents: A Response to the Voices of Theological and Moral Animus.

December 6, 2013. Article uploaded
Andy Wier, ‘Living With Tension: Towards A Practical Charismatic-Evangelical Urban Social Ethic.’

November 16, 2013. Book review uploaded of Amos Yong’s Days of Caeser; review by Calvin L. Smith.

October 28, 2013. ERTP Forum uploaded The Civil War in Syria, David Cowan, Eric Patterson, Tony Richie and Mitch Glaser.

October 10, 2013. Article uploaded
P.H. Brazier, ‘C.S. Lewis, praeparatio evangelica: a Catholic Evangelical Defined by Method, Technique, and Form.’

September 25, 2013 Book review uploaded of Paul C. McGlasson, No! A Theological Response to Christian Reconstructionism; review by William MacDonald.

September 25, 2013 Book review uploaded of Stephen R. Holmes (editor), Public Theology in Cultural Engagement (Thinking Faith Series); review by Ashley Staggs-Kay.

September 25, 2013 Book review uploaded of Baruch Maoz, Come Let Us Reason: The Unity of Jews and Gentiles in the Church; review by Brian N. Brewer.

September 25, 2013. Website uploaded, Journal live.

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The Evangelical Review of Society and Politics and The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics is abstracted in Religious and Theological Abstracts,
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The Evangelical Review
of Society and Politics
is an independent journal.

ISSN: 1750-2225 (Online)
ISSN: 1750-2217 (Print)

The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics
is published by
King’s Evangelical Divinity School.

ISSN: 2053-6763 (Online)

Dr Stephen M. Vantassel
367 Castle Ridge Dr.
Lewistown, MT 59457 (USA)

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The masthead gallery

First the human urban community,

then praise,

then the Judean wilderness

followed by worship


teaching and the importance of education

...finally, the Sea of Galilee.

Review Article :
Karl Barth: Supersessionism and Israel, Yeshua and God's Election – a Dialectical Balance? (A theological analysis of the subject, and a review of 6 books.)

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Book reviews are available on their own page, as well as in the “Full Journal” page.

Note the tab on the menu bar, above, on the masthead: “Reviews”

Reviews – The Evangelical Review of Society & Politics

Reviews – The Evangelical Review of Theology & Politics

The Evangelical Review is open access:
all material is available (Articles, Papers, Essays,
Review Articles, Book Reviews, Conference Papers, and Forums)
for the churches, and the academic communities.

All articles and reviews are published in real time and are on open access. Once peer reviewed and typeset they are immediately published online. From submission to publication for reviews is usually less than a week; for articles this may take up to 2 months, but is often considerably less. Online-only takes the place of a printed journal. Articles can be printed-off and bound in a folder by individuals for future reference. This means there is no delay between acceptance and publication of an article: the material becomes available as soon as possible to the academic and Church communities.

At the end of each year all the articles, essays, reviews, forums and review articles from that year are typeset into a single A5 PDF file, optimised for Kindle/eBook reader.

In addition all past volumes of The Evangelical Review of Society and Politics are available here.

The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics is a peer-reviewed, online, journal exploring God’s revelation to humanity in the form of Jesus Christ. Scholarly submissions that are suitably respectful of the Evangelical Christian tradition are welcomed and invited from across the disciplinary spectrum: Evangelical theology, biblical studies, biblical theology, politics, society, economics, missiology, homiletics, discipleship, preaching, conversion, salvation, atonement, redemption, the Church et al.

Call for Papers

The editors of The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics issue a call to authors to SUBMIT papers to be considered for publication online–

Original Articles
ERTP Forum
Essays (including Series of Essays)
Review Articles
Conference Papers
Book Reviews
Research Updates
Theological Reflections

In all cases see AUTHOR GUIDELINES.

For book reviews and review articles see FOR REVIEWERS.
All submissions are subject to peer review and editorial acceptance or rejection.

The Journal . . .

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Submissions . . .

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Questions . . .

Question or queries? Contact us? Send a message to one of the editorial team, enquire about reviewing a book

The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics
~ Core Values ~

The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics
subscribes to the historic decisions of the early church councils. We hold dearly to the deity of Christ, the virgin conception, salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Trinity. We also believe in the unity of Scripture and consider the Bible as the final authority on all issues of faith and practice. This high view of Scripture requires submissions to be underpinned by a thoughtful biblical and theological analysis. The Editors also welcome non-Evangelical contributors to submit critiques of Evangelical political and social thought, providing they are suitably respectful of our values and beliefs, and that submissions are of interest and relevance to the aims and readership of the journal. Articles appearing in the journal do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors.

Theology & Politics ?

The Swiss theologian Karl Barth commented to his students in the 1920s, in relation to the world of politics and preaching, “Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.”

( Unterricht in der christlichen Religion - Erster Band 1924

This has led to the commonly quoted idea (which does reflect Barth’s beliefs) that you should have the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other: hence theology and politics can only be seen together (if you have any doubts, read the Old Testament and then examine the role of politics in the New Testament), but, as Barth said, use the Bible to interpret and understand politics.

Stephen M. Vantassel, editor of The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics, explains the purpose and role of the journal.

Evangelical? :
at its most basic the word is from evangelion (Latin) referring to the Gospel, translated from the New Testament Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (euangélion) meaning “Good News.” The “good news” is therefore a biblical witness: all else flows from this orthodoxy

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New Section to the website
Theological Reflections

These will be Short Biographies – usually on mature or deceased theologians and Bible scholars, or an analysis of a Key Works (for example Karl Barth’s first commentary on Romans (1919) which set in motion something of a revolution in orthodoxy)
or other categories?
Therefore: a call for papers, 3-4000 words in length.

Call for Papers
Alfred Edersheim

In commemoration of his bicentennial anniversary, The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics is set to release a special fascicle on Alfred Edersheim (1825-1889), a noteworthy Jewish Christian scholar.
Contact Anthony for questions and submissions: anthony.royle@kingsdivinity.org

Call for Papers. The editors of The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics issue a call to authors to submit papers to be considered for publication online: Original Articles, Book Reviews, Review Articles - see below for full list. See also, Author Guidelines